Halo PC : le patch 1.03 ce lundi

Gearbox vient d’annoncer sur son forum que le patch 1.03 tant attendu de Halo PC sortirait normallement ce lundi 8 décembre. Bien entendu, Halo-Game.com vous le proposera en téléchargement le plus tôt possible.

Au menu des améliorations, ce serait un peu trop long à traduire, alors voici les détails en VO qui sont très accéssible même aux anglophobes :

Patch 1.03 features/fixes


•Anti team killing – Implemented server-configurable team-killing banning solution. Removed respawn penalty from person who gets team killed. Increased respawn time multiplier for team killing.

•Assault mode role indicator – “Offense” or “Defense” will appear on the HUD indicating which role your team is on

•Assault mode timer – A permanent countdown timer is displayed on the HUD showing the time left for that “round”

•Assault mode flag hard reset option – The flag will reset automatically at the end of each “round”, even if it is being carried by someone.

•Networking performance – Enhancement to player prediction

•Persistent teams across mapcycle – Players will remain on the same team when a new map is started

•Map quick restart – restarts any MP game – good for having all players start at the same time.

•New in-game scoreboard – Displays players, kills, deaths, assists and ping

•Increased chat text length – Chat length has been increased from 40 characters to 64 characters

•Improved banned player detection – Banned players no longer appear in game for brief second before getting kicked out


•Plasma grenades can no longer teleport on vehicles

•Players standing on rock no longer experience “warping”

•Teleporters no longer cause occasional camera out of sync

•Cinematic speech bug with Audigy cards fixed

•Game not starting with unsupported refresh rates fixed

•“Telefraged” message is now displayed when a player is telefraged

•Flashlight toggle bug in MP games fixed

•Interrupting reload animation bug fixed

Dedicated Server:

•Increased server name length – Server names can now be up to 63 characters in length

•Expanded character set for server names – Server names can now contain extended punctuation and characters

•RCON can now pass quotation marks to server – useful for turning on and off passwords

•Fixed “-ip” for assigning which network card is used by the game

•Fixed ability to restart a single instance of the server without restarting all instances


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