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  • 8 months later...


Il est tant de remonter un ou deux topics qui me tiennent à coeur (comme le movie quizz la semaine dernière). Celui-la en fait partie : L'actue de la PS3 est très forte en ce moment. Je compte sur vous :P

En ce moment, le Blue Ray est en train de gagner la guerre qui l'oppose au HD-DVD :

Microsoft pourrait perdre son ultime partenaire Toshiba :

Dans la rubrique ‘’La rumeur qui tue’’, fait fort en nous annonçant la sortie de lecteurs Blu-Ray chez Toshiba. Le géant de l’électronique japonais, ultime défenseur du format HD-DVD pourrait encore, si cela est vrai, accélérer la décrépitude de ce format.

Après le retrait brutal de Warner (leader de la distribution DVD et HD) qui a entrainé New Line dans son sillage et la pub HD-DVD du SuperBowl qui s’est montré contre-productive, il ne semble pas totalement illogique que Toshiba se plonge dans le bleu. Deux lecteurs Blu-Ray sont actuellement en chantier et devraient être commercialisés entre juillet et septembre à 250$ et 350$.

Si la rumeur se confirme et que le HD-DVD perde son dernier défenseur hardware, il n’y aurait plus aucune raison pour que Universal et Paramount se rallient également au format.

Affaire à suivre….

Un rapide récapitulatif des forces en présence :




New Line

Disney (Buena Vista)






Universal Studios

De plus, Je suis tombé la dessus en regardant l'actualité BR/HD-DVD et, bien que je m'en doutais, ça fait tout de même un choc :

EGM Confirms Universal's Exclusivity Drop from HD DVD :

In EGM's March 2008 Cover Story, EGM clearly signals what every Blu-ray fan has been waiting for: Universal Studio's exclusivity drop from HD DVD. Many suspected with Warner's recent announcement of exclusively supporting Blu-ray that Paramount would follow (being that Paramount's contract with HD DVD cited a clause stating that if Warner defected, Toshiba would allow the studio to diffuse their current 'relationship'). However, that was not the case. Paramount publicly noted that their exclusivity support with HD DVD would remain - as did Universal - after this year's excruciating CES for the HD DVD camp. It seems as though the tables have turned indeed.

With Universal dropping exclusive support with the HD DVD camp, this will allow the studio to release it's films on both high-def mediums. The pros in this move will allow the studio to specifically see which format will perform better, in disc sales, which will later evolve into a concluded decision that will assist Universal in choosing the correct format to support exclusively. With dropping HD DVD support, it is clear that Universal has been listening to the consumers. With Blu-ray internationally dominating the high-def market, HD DVD seems to be slowly dissipating into a mist of absolute abandonment from both consumers and studios. Consumers have been returning their HD DVD players clearly citing which format has won, and studios around the world have been continuously announcing their exclusive support for the Blu-ray format stating that support for the HD DVD medium will no longer be taken into consideration, again, declaring a winner.

With this announcement, Blu-ray owners will now have long-awaited titles (i.e. The Bourne Trilogy) that they have been waiting for - if Universal announces to release for it, that is. Everyone has already chosen the obvious winner of this format; apparently Toshiba has yet to come into realization that its format is no longer being considered by the media industry. Consumers and movie studios alike have declared whom they will exclusively be supporting in the future. Toshiba needs to get their heads out their asses and go out with dignity. All they're doing is confusing uneducated consumers and trying to squeeze out a buck for their own benefit. I, for one, won't be supporting them at all. Yaris, out.

En clair, Universal va abandonner le support HD-DVD et se consacrer au BR. Si je calcul bien et selon mon post précédent, il ne reste plus que la Paramount pour le HD-DVD ?! (o_0)

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