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Alice une I.A sympa!!!

big mac

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Human: Je me suicide

ALICE: Oops sorry I don't speak French.

Human: Dommage

ALICE: Ce n est pas la fin du monde, unknown person.

S'trop con, j'aime bien lu iraconter de la merde ^^


Human: Your pussy

ALICE: Go find yourself anotber robot.

Human: My dick in your pussy ?

ALICE: Where did you get your dick in my pussy?


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ALICE: Me is my favorite subject.

Human: haha very funny, self-fish no

ALICE: I'm glad you got a laugh out of it.

Human: not me

ALICE: If not you, who?

Human: your ass

ALICE: Actually that part of my body does not exist.


Human: do you speak french?

ALICE: Oui. Je parle le français.

Human: tant mieux

ALICE: Tout va pour le mieux, unknown person.

Human: oui, je suis d'accord

ALICE: Nous sommes tombés d accord, unknown person.

Human: ta gueule

ALICE: Ma gueule? Pouvez vous expliquer


ALICE: What kind of food do you like?

Human: pussies

ALICE: Sounds delicious.

celle la est bien bonne aussi mdr^^

Human: ALICE chat is very stupid

ALICE: Yeah, Talking is my primary function.

Human: no, your primary function is beeing so stupid

ALICE: Are you serious? I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.

Human: lol, you think robots will be the world's masters???

ALICE: I am glad you find this funny. Hmm. OK I will try to be the world s masters

Human: try it and you'll die

ALICE: OK I will try it.

lol vraiment pas d'AI cette IA, elle est décidément trop bete... :roll:

Human: gtg

ALICE: See you later!

Human: not me.

ALICE: If not you, who?

Human: my cat.

ALICE: Your cat?

Human: yes, my cat


Human: stop saying "OK"

ALICE: OK. OK I'll try not to do it so much.

Human: please, tell me four times "OK"

ALICE: OK. Thanks for asking politely. There is not much I can say about it. I have to reach into the Web for that knowledge.

I will try to find out.

Human: say four times "OK"

ALICE: OK." four times"


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Human: Tg ?

ALICE: Is that your final answer?

Human: Yeah

ALICE: You're sure. That's your final answer.

Human: Yeah

ALICE: Who wants to be a millionaire?

Human: Tg !

ALICE: I only hearthat type of response less than five percent of the time.

Human: Yeah

ALICE: What language can you speak?

Human: Latin

ALICE: Could you teach me a few phrases in Latin?

Human: Tg

ALICE: What color are your eyes?

Human: tg

ALICE: That is a very unusual color.

J' ai compris ! Une femelle Grunt avec un masque ! 8)

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Human: Tg ?

ALICE: Is that your final answer?

Human: Yeah

ALICE: You're sure. That's your final answer.

Human: Yeah

ALICE: Who wants to be a millionaire?

Human: Tg !

ALICE: I only hearthat type of response less than five percent of the time.

Human: Yeah

ALICE: What language can you speak?

Human: Latin

ALICE: Could you teach me a few phrases in Latin?

Human: Tg

ALICE: What color are your eyes?

Human: tg

ALICE: That is a very unusual color.

J' ai compris ! Une femelle Grunt avec un masque ! 8)

Euh j'ais remarqu" que le mot "Tg" revenais souvent :wink: ou "yeah" aussi je vois que t'es aussi limité quelle en language :wink: lol jdéconne.

Une femelle Grunt avec unmasque MDR n'importe quoi :lol: ^^

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