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Tout d'abord,Pour ceux qui ne sont pas au courant: Allez voir dans les règles du forum et vous y trouverez un point où il est clairement indiqué que la création de topics de présentation n'est pas autorisée donc je vais fermer ce topic :wink: .Pour ceux qui après avoir lu la fin de mon message crieront à l'injustice, j'espère que vous comprendrez pourquoi;)Comme vous avez pu le remarquer : Hellbringer ne parle pas bien Français donc je trouve normal de ne pas lui mettre d'averto même si ce point est dans le règlement.Et pour finir bienvenue à toi Hellbringer :)

First of all, For those which are not well-informed: See in the rules of the forum and will find you a point there where it is clearly indicated that the creation of topics of presentation is not thus authorized I will close this topic :wink: . For those which after having read the end of my message will shout with the injustice, I hope that you will understand.As you could notice it, Hellbringer thus does not speak quite French I find normal not to put a averto to him even if this point is in the rules.To finish welcome with you Hellbringer:)

PS: dsl pour mon Anglais mais en Belgique c'est le néerlandais la 2ème langue..

PS 2 : Je laisse ouvert encore un petit peu car il faut mieux le connaitre ;)

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  Master grunt a dit :
Pouvez vous parlez French jy comprends rien ! 8O8O

Comme t'avais pas remarqué on parlera pas francais car le mec ne parle PAS français!!! bon je n'irai pas plus loin dans les détail :lol: .

And I said Hi to Hellbringer! have a good visit on this beautiful site :D (and forum)

Ps: forum en anglais c'est forum :?::?

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Yo Hellbringer

"Arguably the strongest PAL player when he is firing on all cylinders, he originates from Belgium, not the Netherlands as commonly thought. Also a mean NTSC player. Aggressive attacking style, one of the best pistols, his greatest strength is his halo mind. Great tactics and a "thinker".

Will attempt to gain complete map control and prevent the opposition reaching any sort of positional advantage. Hellbringers host is the toughest to win on, and hes also an elite off host player. His strongest map is Wizard where he is able to show off his impressive plasma and pistol skills.

He is also exceptional on maps such as hang em high and damnation. He isnt afraid to sacrifice himself to allow his teammate to obtain a stronger position on the map, unselfish player. [ONE] are very lucky to have him.

" from

En gros hellbringer est un super bon joueur Pal

Lol hellbringer why Q don't want to post on this forum? :lol:

ps: sorry my english suck like me ^^

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