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[Officiel] Halo 4

WarGun 017

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Je ne suis pas d'accord, si un mec straf alors que tu vide ton chargeur de Needler, il a toutes les chances de s'en sortir. Buter un straffer avec le Needler, c'est tout aussi hardcore qu'un No Scope (qui sont relativement simples à moyenne et courte distance sur H3). En plus, le Needler a peu de chargeur et même si tu gère avec, y'a peu de chances que tu tues plus de 5 mecs avec.

On ne parle que rarement des autres armes mis à part le BR ou le snip (sur H3 en tout cas) et c'est bien dommage parce qu'un mec qui gère avec le Needler comme une bête en anticipant tous les mouvements de son adversaire, ça m'impressionne tout autant qu'un mec qui enchaîne deux no scope avec un sniper.

Mais ceci n'est qu'un avis personnel et qui sera très vite rejeté par la communauté MLG donc je ne m'éternise pas là dessus.

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Je ne suis pas d'accord, si un mec straf alors que tu vide ton chargeur de Needler, il a toutes les chances de s'en sortir.

Bah alors je dois strafer comme une m*rde alors, parce que sérieusement, autant de près j'arrive à m'en sortir, autant à moyenne distance je me fais exploser 9 fois sur 10. Pourtant, c'est pas faute d'essayer, mais à moyenne distance, les aiguilles ont le temps de recaler leur trajectoire.

En plus, le Needler a peu de chargeur et même si tu gère avec, y'a peu de chances que tu tues plus de 5 mecs avec.

On est bien d'accord. C'est aussi pour ça que je l'utilise presque jamais.

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EDIT : Je viens seulement de lire l'article de Louis Wu qui parle de la bêta fermé d'Halo 4 à NY, c'est en faite beaucoup plus rassurant sur le multijoueur quand on le lit !

showing me that a Rocket Launcher was available up ahead and to my left

I hit D-Pad Left, which was linked to a Spartan Laser, and the image disappeared. Soon after, I saw that the Laser had dropped.

Ce qui confirme que le Rail Gun ne remplacera pas le Lance-Roquette ou le Laser Spartan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Voilà deux interventions d'un mec sur les forums de la MLG à propos de la preview de Halo 4 par Killa KC. Lisez les uniquement si vous en avez envie, c'est assez long mais perso je trouve ses idées assez brillantes.

Spoiler sur "{TEXT1}": 
But of course, quitting has always been the real drama issue. Well being the expert video game developer I am (oh wait, NOPE), I have devised the most perfect way to keep everyone happy about quitting. If you QUIT, you get a LOSS, and you CAN'T SEARCH AGAIN until the game you quit ENDS. So your dog is biting off your girlfriend's face, okay bro, **** happens. Go ahead and quit out and pull Fido off her (let's be honest, she was brown bag material anyway). If you really have to leave, then not being able to search until the game is over is irrelevant to you. You couldn't care less about not being able to immediately look for another match because you had a legitimate excuse for quitting out in the first place. People who quit out because they love to QQ or don't want to give their opponent's the satisfaction (never understood this, but w/e) will be like, "wow, might as well have stayed and fought it out because now I'm just sitting here with my thumb up my butt". As soon as a player quits, his teammates can NOT receive losses either for quitting out after or for losing the game. Suddenly, no one has any incentive to quit (unless the lobby screen is just that much prettier than your respawn screen), and players who have rage-quit teammates don't get screwed over.

Now I know what you're thinking, "But wait! This is way too much **** to expect them to be able to implement?" That's the beauty, is that it isn't. The Matchmaking system is probably a bit time consuming, but that can even be changed post-launch so there's NO excuse. The actual in-game mechanics are mostly easily altered. Delete all the code that changes the trajectory of bullets from the straight path. WOW, I FIXED SPREAD. Who would have thought making guns shoot straight could be so easy?!? Players don't move fast enough... INCREASE THE ****ING SPEED! OMG, another mind-bending alteration that improves the game in a matter of seconds. Custom options for this kind of **** is great, but go a step further and MAKE THIS **** DEFAULT! No one will be upset. No one will think you've taken a **** on everything Halo stood for. Everyone already thinks that, and the reason casual players don't is because they don't play the game seriously enough nor often enough to even notice. Casual players don't notice that they spent a LONG ****** time walking over to the Warthog. They don't notice that the reason they keep dying while reloading is because their reload time is longer than a pee-break. They WILL have more fun being able to quickly jog over to that Warthog or reload their gun so they can go back to spraying and praying with their AR. So why should they listen to anything I've said? **** you, that's why.

Spread for any range, rhyme, or reason is, like I said, completely unnecessary. If your goal is to make the BR worse at long ranges, making it inaccurate is not a solution. Why? Because people will shoot it at long range regardless of what it's supposed to be used for. For the most part, players are stuck with the gun they have. If they see a person across the map, they're still gonna shoot. Only difference is some people will get LUCKY and get the kill, while others will shoot the exact same way, or even better, and NOT get the kill. There are plenty of other solutions to balancing the BR's range without ruining the skill. You just make it more difficult.

1. Make the scope smaller.

I don't remember the scope multiplier values or w/e, but if you make the DMR a 2x scope and the BR a 1.5x scope, BAM! The DMR is officially better at long range. Simple, but effective way of balancing effective distances without introducing randomness. Could a BR user out-shoot a DMR user from across the map? **** yeah! It's just going to take a lot of skill because he chose the BR in his loadout instead of the DMR.

2. Make the bullets more spread out by TIME instead of by DISTANCE.

What I mean by this increasing the gap between when each bullet is fired. If you have all 3 bullets come out 1 frame (1/60th of a second) after each other, landing all three becomes pretty easy. If you increase the game to 3 or 5 frames, or even more, it becomes harder and harder to land all 3 bullets. Longer gaps between bullets being fired means a player using the BR must keep the reticule on their opponent throughout the shot (like a Sentinel Beam) instead of being like a Sniper where you only need to be aiming at the opponent as soon as you pull the trigger. The BR will still be 100% accurate, and shooting up close will be almost identical because their body is so large relative to your reticule, but at long range their body is smaller so you must be more precise to land each bullet.

3. Slow the bullets down

When you make bullets travel more slowly, you need to predict where your opponent is going and shoot there before they get there. Halo 3 actually introduced leading shots AMAZINGLY. Unfortunately it was ruined by the bullets going all over the place so even if you led your shot perfectly, a stray bullet or two would just completely **** you over. By slowing bullets down, up close battles again remain almost identical to fast bullets. Because it is such a short distance, the bullets reach their destination quickly enough that you don't have to lead much. As this range increases, players are forced to lead their shots much further to compensate for the fact that their bullets have more ground to cover. No randomness is introduced. Players can still out-BR DMR users from long range if they have enough skill to pull it off. And the DMR will still be balanced as the more powerful long-range weapon. Personally though, I doubt they'd introduce this method because it won't incorporate hitscan which was extremely successful in H2 as well as Reach as a system for hit registration. But don't get this twisted as an issue like I think a lot of people do because they go "OMFG my gun is innaccurate" even though it's perfectly accurate, just not immediate.

Whenever you're trying to balance anything, taking it out of the player's control is almost always a bad idea. In any scenario where you think something is too good or needs to be nerfed, instead just make it more difficult. I think this can applied to even the more abstract elements of Halo. Don't make nades weak-*** firecrackers that tickle everyone in the room. Make those things ****ing nukes, but balance that by giving them a relatively small range of effect. You've balanced nades without nerfing the nade itself. You just demand more skill from the player. No one is going to ***** about nuke nades because they're actually going to require some accurate throws. Same idea can be used with powerups. One thing that baffled me in Reach was the camo. You are practically invisible standing still, and when you move you light up like a light bulb. Am I the only one who thinks that's bass ackwards? It just encourages SITTING STILL. What you should do is make it so you are ONLY camo when you are moving, and the faster you move, the more camouflaged you are. It takes a LOT of skill to move around a map without actually slowing down. Just imagine trying to walk around in a 4v4 to sneak up on someone, but if you even try to change directions or strafe you will show up a little to opponents. You have to be smart to avoid bumping into opponents, and kids who want to corner camp won't look camouflaged at all. Camo still remains a bad*** powerup that you can use to completely change the game, but it's going to be relatively worthless for anyone who doesn't know how to use it properly.

I could go on all day, but you get the idea. Any time you want to nerf something, just increase the skill gap and no one considers it so damn "cheap."

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