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[Officiel] Halo 4

WarGun 017

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Nuclear-Nunus, j'ai compris ton message :) , voici le sujet sur Halo 4.

Ce que je voulais dire plutôt, c'est que va devenir l'héritage des Forerunners aux Humains ?

Parce que le Parasite est vaincu, la Galaxie est sauvée de la menace...

Et après ?

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On garde les atouts de Halo Reach ou on revient avec les pouvoirs qu'on ramasse comme dans Halo 3 ?

343I a confirmé les capacités d'armure. Mais il parait que l'on pourra ramasser des "bonus" sur la carte (comme l'over dans les autres Halo).

Parce que le Parasite est vaincu, la Galaxie est sauvée de la menace...

Et après ?

Et après ? Ben tu aura la réponse en jouant a HALO 4.

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- 343Sparkast_012.mp3

edit :

Spoiler sur "{TEXT1}": 


-Projectile Tracking System

Halo April Sparkcast

-Brad Welsch, lead multiplayer designer

-Kevin Franklin, lead competitive multiplayer designer

"Random Weapon Drops"

Tradition power weapons magically appeared ~90 seconds


-Ground up new spawning system

-Context of Infinity, accessible to new and classic players

-Initial weapon drops at start of match, control openings, team game strategy

-Timers set for when they pop in, communicate to player, no need for stopwatch

-Each map/mode specific weapons and drops for different maps

-Weapons will make sense, sniper for bigger maps

-Random seems to lean towards different weapons themselves, not different times/areas

-Can see which weapons have dropped where, takes away knowledge advantage

-Information not distracting, subtle UI elements

-Drops from space into the map

-Drop ins can kill you

-Weapon indicators disappear, you'll know a player has them


-Control timing

-Lots of debate about 4v4 or 5v5 experience

-Can customize loadout during play

-In premier slayer experience

-Can customize spawn system

-"Premier experience" particular play style on particular maps

-Ultimate experience in every mode

-Maps can support any gametype, but each map is tailored to a certain gametype


-Turn off instant spawns

-Will support unlocking of weapons and unlocking AAs for tournaments

-"Career" mode in the game for grinding, no Warrant Officer 3 (l0l)


-Choice, concept, give players choices, what loadouts are for

-Empowering individual play styles

-"Preferences" favorite weapons, starting weapon discussion

-Once you put in the work and effort to unlock that BR, then you can use it

-Base weapons balanced for no "god tier" weapons

-All about how you play, sneaky, distance, etc

-Why have the BR and DMR? Different purpose, subtle differences, mechanical

-Each have their own distinct role

-BR better for jumping and fanning up, DMR for lateral movement

-DMR set RoF, DMR fires at a slower rate, balanced against BR

-BR has recoil, 3 bullet more upwards, distance between bullets will spread out

-BR not as effective at longer ranges, BR will lose to DMR

-Outer range of encounter space, DMR built to win

-Closer, BR will win

-AR also a beast, each gun has effective range

-Not every weapon can go in loadouts

AAs balanced

-Learned lessons for Reach

-How they're implemented in 4

-Similar, but different

-Changed because everyone has sprint

-Sprint by far most popular AA in Reach

-More interesting combinations

-Can't use sprint to flee combat

-Levels designed for faster mobility

-Sprint meter

-Slow down mechanic if getting shot, can't run up and double melee

-Can't run away as fast

-Base movement isn't slow, jumping higher, running/walking faster in H4 than Reach

-Looked at Halo 1 for specific weapons

-Looked at Halo 3 for movement benchmarks

Forerunner Vision

-Visor mode from ODST, situational awareness

-More like Sonar, won't go forever, specific distance, delay on knowledge

-Players within range of vision can hear you using it

-Counter each other, some can be used to counter (Rock, Paper, Scissors)

-More tradeoffs and the way they interact with each other

-Armor Lock didn't make the cut, ruined the flow and balance

-Every armor ability from Reach has been altered and changed in some way

-Assault Carbine, renamed

-Love using the gun

-Sound is terrifying

-Style has been in the game before

-Shield mangle, not head mangler

-Feels like a finisher, not a depleter

Can unlock items for competitive in Spartan Ops

-Take your character from PvP games is meaningful going into Spartan Ops

-Building a character you feel attached to

-Planning, being strategic in Spartan Ops

Small number of players given the chance to play the game

-Willy Wonka style

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Moi, c'est le son que fait le BR qui me déplait. :)

On dirait qu'il est équipé d'un silencieux. Remarque, c'est peut-être le cas, une des personnalisations possibles sur Halo 4.

Par contre, mon impression générale sur ces 10 secondes de gameplay est plutôt bonne. Le jeu à l'air fluide et ressemble à du Halo, reste à voir ce que ça donnera manette en main !

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